Action Terms
1. Check
Definition: To check means that a player passes the action to the next player without placing a bet. This action can only be taken if no one else has bet in the current round. Checking allows the player to remain in the hand without committing any chips.
Example: If no one has made a bet before you, you can check to avoid increasing the pot but still remain in the round to see the next card.
2. Bet
Definition: Betting is the act of placing chips into the pot to start a round or raise the stakes during a round. When you bet, you are indicating that you believe your hand is strong and want others to match your bet to continue.
Example: If the player before you has checked, you might decide to make a bet, forcing others to either call, raise, or fold.
3. Call
Definition: Calling means matching the amount of the previous player’s bet. If someone has bet, you can call to stay in the round and see the next card without raising the bet.
Example: If Player 1 bets 50 chips, and you decide to stay in the hand, you “call” by adding 50 chips to the pot.
4. Raise
Definition: To raise means increasing the current bet. A raise forces other players to match the new bet if they want to remain in the round. A raise is typically made when a player has a strong hand and wants to build the pot or pressure opponents into folding.
Example: If the current bet is 50 chips and you raise to 100 chips, other players must either call 100 chips, raise further, or fold.
5. Fold
Definition: Folding is when a player decides not to continue in the hand, discarding their cards and losing the chips already placed in the pot. This usually happens when a player believes their hand is not strong enough to win.
Example: If the community cards are unfavorable or your hand doesn’t match the situation, you might fold to minimize further loss.
Summary of Action Terms:
Check: Pass the action without betting (if no one else has bet).
Bet: Place chips into the pot to start or raise the round.
Call: Match the current bet to continue.
Raise: Increase the current bet, forcing others to match.
Fold: Discard your hand and forfeit your chips in the pot.